To restore the quality of life of our patients and positively impact the lives of our therapy team and physician partners.
- Servant Leadership
- Patient Centered
- Clinical Excellence
- Shared Sustainability
- Customer Service
A patient-centered customer service approach to rehab is the hallmark of PRS’s philosophy and rehab model. PRS’s evidenced based treatment plans incorporate the patient’s goals as the motivational component of compliance. Our discharge planning begins at the initial visit upon a comprehensive functionally oriented musculoskeletal physical therapy or occupational therapy evaluation. Objective and measurable functional goals with aggressive timelines establish the basis for patient-therapist accountability.
PRS’s commitment to clinical excellence begins by recruiting experienced and credentialed PT’s/OT’s whose skill sets match specific program needs of the physician patient population, ranging from competency in orthopedic sports medicine to specialized programs such as hand therapy, industrial rehab, post-surgical rehab, and chronic back and neck rehab programs. Each physician practice is unique as are their patients’ rehab program needs. PRS subscribes to servant leadership principles and is very selective about screening and hiring therapists and support personnel who reflect a positive servant philosophy. The PRS Clinical excellence experience goes well beyond hiring the best of the best for our rehab team.
Ongoing monitoring of patient progress and clinical reassessment upon each visit is referenced to the patient’s goals, overall therapist treatment goals, and functional improvement. Protocols designed between treating therapist and referring physician are specific to the patient’s diagnosis and the physician’s rehab philosophy. Evidenced based protocols are progressive and yield superior clinical outcomes by reducing patients’ overall visits when compared to national benchmarks. Customized home exercise programs and PRS’s acclaimed discharge programs mark a beginning milestone for patients to initiate a life of fitness and wellness as a result of their PRS experience. Our patients continue to consult with our therapist who become lifelong coaches for them in regard to optimal musculoskeletal fitness and wellness.